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Android Rules should be followed for development purposes

If you have searched for Android Development India on Google, it may be possible that you are working on an Android application. However, it is not as easy to develop an Android application as it seems. There are several Android developers who are working on numerous applications, so it is important that your application should be effective and it can stand out from the crowd.

There are many things which you need to know before working on an Android application. In this post, we are sharing few important and effective rules followed by developers for better results. These rules will surely help you to boost the performance of your applications.  

The very first and basic rule for developing an Android application is to avoid unnecessary things which are not needed for your application. Most of the newbie developers often ignore this common rule and thus end up with a faulty application.

Android development India will grow up at a much faster rate if developers understand the need of the application.  Don't just create any unnecessary application just because you want. Try to develop an application which is required in the market and which will actually serve some purpose.

If you are using C/C++, avoid using virtual method calls. Although by using virtual method calls you will be able to use getter or setter methods which will help you in directly accessing the field to use but this method imposes few restrictions on applications accessibility. So, the best option is to use the virtual method calls to the public instead of class.

The golden rule of "keep it simple" applies in Android development India too. To make your Android application a major success, try to reduce your layout complexity.

Most of the developers go for floating, but a real Android developer prefers integer instead of floating. If speed is considered, there is no major difference in integers and floating, but in terms of space floating uses two times more space than integer. So, avoid floating and you will get a real effective application.

To create a simple layout, use test relative layout or grid layout as both of them are easy to understand. Try any of these layouts and it will surely increase the performance of the Android application.

For optimizing queries about your Android application, develop an index of the database as it makes the optimization of queries simpler and easier.

Always go for careers or a precompiled SQL statement to develop the perfect Android application.

These were a few tips for developing an Android application. We wish you all the best for your application development.

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