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Top 10 Public Relation Blogs That You Should Bookmark Now

The first thing that any good public relations specialist does every day is scroll through a number of PR blogs to see what’s new in the industry. Finding the best of these blogs to follow can be a bit of a challenge. Here are ten of them that you should be following right now.

1) Koifish 

This blog bills itself as the “World’s Second Best PR Blog.” For that reason alone, you should consider following it. On top of that, this blog includes everything from social media to SEO for PR pros.

2) Brian Solis 

Solis is a true PR expert. Even better, he shares his expertise with his readers for free. You’ll find a number of important tips here. If you have any questions on anything that he discusses, leave them in the comments. You’d be surprised at how many responses you’ll get.

3) Young PR 

PR is really a global phenomenon. This blog from Australia proves that the tips utilized Down Under are just as useful everywhere else in the world. They discuss a little bit of everything, making the blog quite well-rounded.

4) PR Squared 

Whether you’re new to the world of social media marketing or want to brush up on your knowledge, look no further than this blog.

5) Publicity Hound 

There are many different facets to a good PR professional. You need to be prepared for everything, including finding publicity of the people (and companies) that you represent. This blogs covers this aspect of the business.

6) 360 Days In A PR Life 

This blog is written entirely by women, and contains information on the life of a PR specialist, as well as a number of interesting tips. This is the best way to see how the business truly works.

7) Wired PR Works

Don’t let the name confuse you – this blog has nothing to do with Wired the magazine. Instead, it’s a very interesting read if you’re looking for information on trends and social media.

8) Diva Marketing Blog 

If you truly want to meet your client’s objectives, then this is the blog for you. They discuss a number of interesting (and very bold!) marketing ideas and concepts. Obviously, this blog isn’t just for people who call themselves “divas.”

9) Ogilvy PR 360 Digital Influence 

Since social media has become such a large part of marketing and public relations, it’s important to know as much as possible about it. Many of the newest social media strategies are covered here.

10) PR News Online

Of course, there’s more to the industry than just a number of marketing tips and tricks. This blog covers all of the news that you need to know.

As you can see, a good public relations specialist knows a lot about the business. You’ll learn quite a bit by following these blogs. You’ll pick up new strategies, come up with some interesting and creative concepts, and learn the ins and outs of the industry. Your clients will thank you!

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